Monday, January 6, 2014

24 Weeks

Today I had my 24 week check up with my OB. What a difference in how this appointment went compared to 24 weeks with Korbin. It honestly felt unreal.
The check up was quick, just me asking random questions, and a quick listen to Baby Boy 2s heart beat. I found out that our last triage experience probably wasn't caused by a full on kidney stone, but what is called "sludge." Wonderful name. Basically being pregnant slows things down, including the kidney duct work connecting them to the bladder. This, combined with pressure caused by baby growing, causes a back up in the kidneys which can lead some crystallization, but not necessarily a full stone. Thankfully, this will go back to normal after pregnancy, but it is something I need to keep an eye on still.
I left with the glucose drink for my next appointment, and a packet of info and worksheets for delivery. Despite having a c-section, we still have a lot of things we get to have a say in. Like who we want present, visitors, breast feeding, even music. Part of me doesn't want to think about it yet, we still have so much time to get through. And yet, if something happens sooner than later, we'd still have a say in a few things. I guess we'll get it figured out when the time is right.
Because we got a lotta love to give.

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