Thursday, April 16, 2015

Spilled Milk

There's the saying, "There's no use crying over spilled milk." Well, whoever wrote that was never a working/pumping mom! Breast is such liquid gold, full of amazing healing and nutritional properties, that every drop must be used and not go to waste.
That being said, my rather large freezer stash from my oversupply days (thank you NICU lactation consultants for stressing me out by saying that I just wasn't producing enough...) has hundreds of ounces near their 'expiration.' Roughly a year in the deep freezer can be too long. So, I posted info to a few pages on Facebook and found a match. P will not get through it as he gets fresh from me, plus one frozen bottle a day while I'm away at work. I can't stand the thought of just throwing it out, therefore it must be put to good use.

What 210oz looks like....

This mama is amazing. Battling a disease that requires medications that tank her supply. She would stay off as long as possible to build her supply, then get back on the meds to have it tank immediately, and then repeat. I cannot fathom having a hurdle like that. After all we've been through, thank you God I can nurse my boy!
Hearing this, I now was able to finally let go a little of the milk I've amassed during my own nursing journey. It's crazy the relationship one builds with their supply.
We met nearby, and as she got out of her car I wanted to hug her, but wasn't sure if she would reciprocate. Then she kind of leaned in and said she had to hug me. I almost cried, it became such an intimate and emotional moment. I'm able to nourish her child the best way she sees fit. She may not be able to nurse, but her baby still gets the magical liquid gold her body needs.
Just amazing.
Kind of an instant bond between two total strangers. Her gratitude, completely not necessary, but so incredibly heart warming.
I will do this again.
Because I got a lotta love to give.

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