Sunday, December 14, 2014

3/4 of a Year

Time is flying! (Do I say that with every monthly P update?!) And Parker continues to amaze me with how much he's developing and keeping up with other kiddo's his age (rather than adjusted age of only 7.5mo). I believe his eye color has settled now; a beautiful shade of brown with the occasional flecks of deep blue around the edges.

He makes so many sounds with his tongue now, clucking and raspberries galore. He also figured out how to make sounds by saying something while patting his mouth with the back of one of his hands. Adorable! And so smart.

 He seems to genuinely smile so much more now, and laughs and giggles often. Even after telling his own babbling jokes! So hilarious to see and hear! And he started bowing his head and smiling now, almost in a shy way when seeing someone new, even doing some head banging if he's been crawling around on the floor. 

As for crawling: he still army crawls. But boy does he move! He can almost completely pull himself up to sitting on his own, and almost pulls himself up to standing.
While he becomes more independent (Ryan developed the two spoon method when feeding P: P has his own spoon to 'eat' with while we feed him) with things like holding his bottle himself, he's started to want dad more after daycare. He raises his arms to ask to be picked up, and we can almost have conversations with how much he babbles now.

As for food, he has tried so many things this past month! He loves eggs in the morning and always gets a few bites from my plate. Other foods he enjoys are sweet potatoes, peas, butternut squash and pears. He liked applesauce and bananas, but they did not like him back (his poor butt!). And pumpkin pie was just too much and made him throw up almost immediately.

I'm having more and more fun introducing foods to him. And just so love that we are still nursing! I love the bond we continue to build with that, and need it after all we went through to have him here with us.
Because I got a lotta love to give.

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