Monday, August 11, 2014


With how heavy my heart's been lately, I've had to try and focus my mind and heart on the good things in life.
First, my little family here. Parker and Ryan. Thank God for Ryan to keep me in check, and thank God we get to have P here with us to keep us going. And our puppy dogs, who are still such a huge part of our family.
Second, our home that is finally getting the love it deserves. And that we found someone willing to do the work!
Third, delicious food all around us, both home cooked and in restaurants. The fact that we can afford to stretch the food budget to try new things. And that we can spend the time to cook together.
Next, our jobs so we can enjoy some frills in life. From cute cloth diapers to car parts. Things we want but don't necessarily need.
And of course there is the support of those we love around, from family and friends. Especially those that ask about Korbin and don't turn away when we're needing to talk about our grief. We need them so much, and appreciate them even more.
All these things and more to keep me going each day. Just one foot in front of the other.
Because I got a lotta love to give.

1 comment:

  1. :) you 4 are loved and blessed :) May you always feel grateful.
